Monday, October 31, 2011

Dem Bones, Dem Bones

Isn't this guy very cute? I had intended to make these cute things but only got as far as molding the skeletons.

First you start by browsing through Michaels with your baby and see this cute mold you cannot live without. Then you get yourself some candy coating. I wanted to use Candy Melts but I was going to have to stab myself in the eyes if I had to go one more place (why I didn't buy them when I got the mold is a personal failing of mine I'll never understand) so I made due with Almond Bark from the grocery store.

Melt your candy in a microwave safe bowl in the microwave for 90 seconds, then in 15 second intervals until smooth. Be careful to not overcook or it will scorch and, just like in Gremlins, water is the enemy of candy coating and not just after midnight, so make sure everything is really dry. Let me stop here and also tell you that Candy Melts come in many fine colors, including a lovely Spooky Green, but the realist child in the family insisted on white. If you want to tint your own candy coating you must use candy coating coloring. Regular food coloring has water and you remember what I said about Gremlins :)

Place the melted candy in a pastry bag (never mind the sweet pinkness of my bag in the picture, a Valentine project gone very wrong). You really have to use a pastry bag for this because the lines of the mold are so narrow. Perfection is not a goal here, just try to not overflow the mold cavities. Place in fridge for 5-10 minutes or until hardened, then whack them out onto a cookie sheet lined with wax paper. No need to wash the mold in between fillings, you are good to go again. I left these out at room temp and had no problem with them getting soft which, sadly, is a possibilty in Texas on Oct. 29.

Then use in all the clever ways I know you can think of!


  1. And they're DEEEE-licious. I love me some bones. And they are a great addition to cookies.

  2. Look tasty and scary at the same time. loved your "stab myself in the eyes" comment. I can so relate to that.
